A Stone Energy

A stone that is formed within a period of hundreds, thousands or even millions of years to save an energy. The amount of energy stored within a stone depends on the element / elements are fused, forming the length of time the length and hardness of the rock formation process. Rocks that formed in the liquid magma of the volcano that has stood the test of thousands or millions of years, during which the rocks absorb the electromagnetic energy is very strong. It is this energy that affects the body, emotional, mental, spiritual and human.

Basically, the rocks can absorb, store, enlarge, alter, transmit energy, focused energy, energy transfer and store programs. Form of vibration energy emitted by these stones form an energy field around it. With all the advantages of this stone can be used as a means of healing. not only that the rocks tersebutpun a wide variety of beautiful shapes and colors can even be our own form as we want. These rocks are often what we call precious stones or crystals or agate, precious stones or crystals are often identified with aji-ajian stone or amulet, because it has a certain ability. Sometimes sacred because it can heal up for immunity.

Precious stones or crystals are often considered to be supernatural. Though these crystals feature none other has the power not because of piezo-electric effect and the piro-electric. Piezo-electric power is the power that can change the kinetic energy (power punch) into electrical energy (sparks). The proof, if the pointed tip of the crystal was beaten in a dark room, will cause a spark. While the piro-electric power is the ability to attract and then threw the electric energy due to deposition of electrical charge on its surface. This effect can be seen when the crystals Tourmaline is inserted into the embers of the fire. When the crystal becomes hot ashes and then threw it will be interesting.

Then How the process so that crystals can cure? Incidence of disease is actually the result of energy imbalances in the body. That is an imbalance the mind, body and soul (body, mind and spirit). If these three elements in balance means the person is healthy. Crystals can be re-aligning the energy circulation in the body of the patient. Way, the crystal is placed on the main chakras or ill body parts. Type of stone or crystal that is placed on the chakra colors adapted to the body or type of crystal that has a neutral energy so it can fit with all sorts of colors chakra or aura. Energy emitted by the crystal will resonate and interfere / mixes with the body's energy. Chakra or less healthy body parts will be cleaned and aligned. Chakra is the element of human energy source. "In the process of healing, crystal energy will radiate and resonate with the body's energy. It is not felt directly. Except for those who are quite sensitive, can feel the vibration energy of the crystal in and out of the body directly. " This resonance process will balance the chakras of the body that are less healthy.